Algorithm Driven Commodity & Currency Trading for Profit

Segregated Portfolios / Cells
(for e.g. private equity funds)
Valisa Capital Markets SPC is registered under the Cayman Islands Companies Law as a Segregated Portfolio Company (SPC) which enables us to create protected portfolios or cells for clients like private equity funds without the need to obtain full regulatory approval.
Assets and liabilities of each Portfolio or Cell being statutorily ring-fenced from the assets and liabilities of each other Portfolio and the general assets and liabilities of the company.
Valisa Capital FX Fund SP
Whilst the fund itself is a new creation, the trading strategies used are not. The trading strategies themselves date back to 2014 and have delivered a solid performance.
This fund has rolled up the trading strategies of a discretionary trading facility and team into a more flexible financial instrument aimed at allowing larger inward investment into the fund and greater geographical distribution.
The instruments traded are Spot FX, CFD's
(Indices) and Precious Metals v's the US Dollar.

Wealth Fund SP
Investment strategy is to transact and house a balance of private equity and private loans holdings.
The strategy aims to deliver long-term enhanced growth with a targeted annual return of 20% to 30%.
The portfolio strategy goal is to create a balanced portfolio and the use of a variety of risk management tools in order to hedge risks and reduce volatility.

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
– Warren Buffett